Spiritual Companionship & Coaching

Find time to focus on your spiritual journey in the midst of a hurried life. Spiritual companionship provides a safe, non-judgmental place to explore the wonders and complexities of your relationship with God.

Creating Space for God

Life is a Sacred journey, and spiritual companionship is a way to intentionally deepen your spiritual pilgrimage and grow closer to your true self and the Divine.

What is spiritual companionship & coaching?

“Spiritual direction is an interpersonal relationship in which we learn how to grow, live, and love in the spiritual life”. Richard J. Foster

  • A companion will listen attentively and reflect back to you what you are experiencing and discovering.
  • Discussions will take place in full reverence and respect for the spiritual movement in your life.
  • A wise spiritual director recognizes that God speaks to people in many different ways. The spiritual companion listens to you describe your experience as it makes sense to you, in words and phrases that are meaningful to you. Although he or she may help you connect your experience with spiritual concepts such as grace or the movement of the Holy Spirit, there’s no attempt to rewrite your experience to be anything other than what it is.
  • A person with whom you are safe to talk about your interior life in all its complexity and unfolding beauty.

The spiritual companion/coach offers thoughtful questions, observations, and room for reflection and prayer, all for the sake of the person. This “sacred space” helps the person grow communion with God by noticing their lives, naming how God is present and active in love, and choosing how to respond to God’s loving overtures.

A Spiritual Companion will help you notice where God is at work in your life, to help you discern what He is up to and where He may be inviting you forward in relationship and action. He will help people mature in their faith and deepen their relationship with God so

The Christian life often entails times of spiritual uncertainty—situations in which we are unsure of God’s will, confused about what God is doing in our circumstances, or generally dry in our relationship with God.

Spiritual companionship is for you if…

  • You’re seeking spiritual and personal growth.
  • You want to deepen your journey with spiritual practices.
  • You desire a safe place to explore your experiences of God.
  • You want to connect with the Sacred in everyday life.
  • You’re in a season of uncertainty or  lack discernment.
  • You have been in church most of your life but feel a longing for a deeper experience of God.
  • You came to faith later, enjoyed the early years of learning much, but now sense a deeper hunger for a more personal experience of God.
  • Your picture of God as you grew up left you unsure if God is for you or against you, if you both fear and desire a deeper connection.

It starts with a conversation. Contact me to see how I may help you.